What is the importance of Body Balance?
Dr. Roger Sperry, Ph.D., won the Noble Peace Prize by discovering that 90% of all the brains activity
Is used to balance your body within the gravitational field of the earth. He stated that if your body is
mechanically distorted (off balance) it begins to affect the 10% of the brain’s activity that controls all the
other bodily functions such as breathing, digestion, and thinking…
Interference… If the body framework (bone structure; spine) is in an off-balance or misaligned
position, it can impede the electrical or chemical (life giving) transmission of the nervous system which
controls every function of every cell in your body . This interference with the nervous system can
contribute to all kinds of symptoms and medical conditions.
How is Body Imbalance determined?
Body Imbalance or postural distortion is determined by evaluating for a leg length disparity, a posture
analysis (is one shoulder higher than the other, is there anterior head carriage), by Palpation; feeling for
muscle spam and tension, and use of two scales to see if there is uneven weight distribution.
As soon as the spinal correction is made, people often feel some of these changes.
. Alleviation of pain and symptoms
. Tired and/or relaxed feeling
. Lightheadedness – possible headache
. Cold-like symptoms as the body goes
through a cleansing process.
. Tingling or heat sensation as blood and oxygen
circulation continues to normalize.
. Body elimination changes- either diarrhea or
constipation as the body adapts to change after
the correction.
Most symptoms decrease immediately or the pain may change and move to another area of the body.
All are signs that indicate that the Self-healing process is working. The longer you have had an issue
or symptom, the longer it will generally take to respond to therapy. It is very important for the doctor
to continue to monitor progress during the first weeks of care, to prevent any interruption of the healing
What can I do to help out?
. Don’t sleep on your stomach; this twists the head and neck.
. Don’t turn over in bed by using your head as a pivot
. Don’t hold the phone between your head and shoulders.
. Don’t lift heavy objects from an off-balanced position.
. Don’t roll your head in a circle.
. Don’t fall asleep in a seated position. This causes the head to bob and whiplash.
. Don’t you or anyone else crack, twist or pop your Neck!
. Don’t bend backwards to get your hair rinsed at the Hairdresser. ALWAYS bend forward.
. Don’t twist your head suddenly, as when backing an automobile. Turn your head slowly.